A Word From Our Best PMP Course Advisors On The Positive Future Of PMP

A Word From Our Best PMP Course Advisors On The Positive Future Of PMP

PMI has actually introduced quite a few changes to take the PMP exam. There are a variety of changes that include changes in the application process to the supporting material as well as the exam itself. Furthermore, PMI makes it clear that the old format of the exam can actually only be attempted until the end of the year, after which there will be a shift to the new version of the exam which will permanently commence on the 2nd of January, 2020.

Our professional and experienced course designers bring in decades of both managerial and training experience into training hundreds of PMP aspirants worldwide. As our instructors they discuss these changes and what that means for someone aspiring to become a Project Management Professional in the forthcoming year.

They completely highlight that one of the key efforts of PMI with this update is to actually level the playing field when it comes to candidates around the world aspiring to take the PMP examination and thus get certified. PMI does this by regulating or standardizing the training with a basic set of uniform materials, which the instructors have to train in accordance with.

Therefore the exam shifts its focus to actually testing the candidate as an experienced Project Manager. This is actually a really clear move from PMI to see to it that only participants with authentic experience as Managers can take the exam as opposed to simply taking a bootcamp without real credible work experience as a project manager. Our instructors explain that PMI will actually test for this by posing questions that are story-based as well as situational, such as asking the candidate what a Project Manager would do in the given scenario. Our instructor adds the possibility of PMI actually looking for responses in a video format.

One of the major discomforts for the test takers or candidates has been the duration of the examination and also answering the long list of 200 questions that too all in one go. Thus PMI actually introduces a smart resolution to the problem, an ten-minute break which is totally optional can actually be taken halfway through the exam, however the questions attempted prior to the break would be rendered inaccessible. 

Our instructors thus suggests that the test taker review these questions before taking the break and moving on to the next set of questions.

Given the pandemic lockdown, they then discuss the prospects of taking the test from the home. PMI’s proctored exam involves the test taker answering a few questions, take pictures of the surroundings, and pan the monitoring camera around to check for any study material.

Okay now coming to the application process, PMI has actually made it significantly easier for applying to the PMP exam. While earlier students had to account for their engagement in the initiating, planning, monitoring, executing as well as controlling & closing phases of their projects as project managers in terms of hours, PMI has actually decided to drop this stressful format of application and simply make the requirements to just 36 months post a bachelor’s degree with non-overlapping experience. This actually means that students would have to describe their projects as well as their roles. Furthermore, our instructors highlight that the interface for application now required far less information with a few additional fields such as the budget of the project and the size of the team. 

When it comes to the application field of project description and one’s role, we recommend that the following points be covered :

  • What are the things that you did?
  • What were the deliverables?
  • What were the timelines? If there actually was a delay, what exactly was done about it?
  • What were the project outcomes?

One of our instructors add that this field is responded to in less than 500 words with a minimum of a hundred.

The last point that our instructors focus on is about the drop in the requirement for the years of experience for candidates that actually have studied or taken courses recognized by GAC (Global Accreditation Center). The courses that had three or five years of experience as a requirement would now drop to two and four yeas instead respectively for the universities or courses accredited by GAC. In addition, GAC recognized courses would even count towards the 35 contact hours. 

Thus to summarize it all up, the examination checks for your experience and that can actually be seen even in the application process, however PMI has made the experience of both applying as well as test-taking a little less stressful along with making the educational experience much more uniform than before.

We are a registered education provider with PMI and our expert instructors ensure that you don’t have to walk the PMP journey alone. With a educational platform that is tried and tested, our certified instructors don’t just simply provide excellent training but are here to motivate as well as mentor you so that you don’t just gain the knowledge that comes with this certification that is recognised globally, but you even hone the necessary skills that go along with it.

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