Why Is AI booming Now
Now in this AI testing tutorial, let’s learn why AI is booming now.
A neural network has always been out since the nineties with the seminal paper of Yann LeCun. However, it began to become famous around the year 2012. Explained by 3 critical factors for its popularity are as follows:
Machine learning is an experimental field, meaning it must have data to completely check new ideas or approaches. With the boom of the internet, data also became more easily accessible than ever before. Besides, huge companies like NVIDIA and AMD have actually developed high-performance graphics chips for the gaming market.
In the last twenty years, the power of the CPU has exploded, allowing the user to actually train a small deep-learning model on any laptop. However, to process a deep-learning model for computer vision or deep learning, you really need a more powerful machine. Thanks to the investment of NVIDIA and AMD, a brand new generation of GPU (graphical processing unit) are available. These chips allow parallel computations. It simply implies that the machine can separate the computations over several GPU to further speed up the calculations.
For example, with an NVIDIA TITAN X, it takes two days to train a model called ImageNet against weeks for a traditional CPU. Besides, big companies use clusters of GPU to further train deep learning model with the NVIDIA Tesla K80 because it helps to reduce the data center cost as well as provide better performances.
Deep learning is actually the structure of the model, and also the data is the fluid to make it alive. Data powers the artificial intelligence. Without data, nothing can be done. Furthermore, latest Technologies have pushed the boundaries of data storage. Nowadays, it is easier to store a high amount of data in a data center as compared to earlier times.
Moreover, Internet revolution makes data collection as well as distribution available to feed machine learning algorithm. If you’re familiar with Flickr, Instagram or any other sort of app with images, you’ll be able to guess their AI potential. There are numerous pictures with tags available on these websites. Those pictures are often used to train a neural network model to recognize an object on the image without the need to manually collect and label the data.
Artificial Intelligence combined with data is actually the new gold. Data is nothing but a unique competitive advantage that no firm should neglect. AI provides the best answers from your data. When all the firms can have identical technologies, the one with data will have a competitive advantage over the other. To give an idea, the globe creates about 2.2 exabytes, or 2.2 billion gigabytes, every day.
A company requires exceptionally diverse data sources to be able to find the patterns and thus learn that too in a substantial volume.
Hardware is more powerful than ever, data is quite easily accessible, but one thing that makes the neural network more reliable is the development of more accurate algorithms. Additionally, Primary neural networks are nothing but a simple multiplication matrix without in-depth statistical properties. Since 2010, remarkable discoveries have been made to actually improve the neural network
AI or Artificial intelligence further uses a progressive learning algorithm to completely let the data do the programming. It implies, the computer can teach itself how to actually perform different tasks, like finding anomalies, become a chatbot.