Where is AI used? Examples

AI provides a cutting-edge technology to actually deal with complex data which is impossible to handle by a human being. AI automates redundant jobs allowing a worker to concentrate on the high level, value-added tasks. When AI is implemented at scale, it results in cost reduction and revenue increase.

Now Artificial Intelligence or AI for beginners tutorial, we’ll learn some of the various different applications of AI:

AI has broad applications-

  • Artificial intelligence is employed to reduce or avoid the repetitive task. For example, Artificial Intelligence can repeat a task continuously, without any sort of fatigue. In fact, AI never rests, and it’s indifferent to the task to carry out
  • Artificial intelligence improves an existing product. Long before the age of machine learning, core products were actually build upon hard-code rule. Firms introduced AI to boost the functionality of the product instead of starting from scratch to design new products. You can think of a Facebook image. A few years back, you actually had to tag your friends manually. However nowadays, with the help of AI, Facebook gives you a friend’s recommendation on its own.
  • AI is also used in all the industries, from marketing to provide chain, finance, food-processing sector. 

Furthermore, according to a McKinsey survey, financial services as well as high tech communication are leading the AI fields in the modern world.